Archaeological Mystery Scientific mystery

The Beautiful Empress Who, Despite Being Married to Three Different Husbands, Remained as Stunning as a Flower, Was Infamously Known as the “Poisonous and Wicked Woman” of Rome.

Julia Agrippina possessed an exquisite beauty with hair shining like the sun, and eyes as blue as the ocean, yet concealed within her was a dark and sinister soul. She was the Queen of Rome, also known as “Agrippina the Younger” (15-59), born into the most powerful family of Rome at the time.

Her mother, Vipsania Agrippina (Agrippina the Elder), was the granddaughter of the first emperor to be deified, Augustus, while her father was Germanicus – the adopted son of Emperor Tiberius and the blood relative of Mark Antony (the infamous lover of the Egyptian queen, Cleopatra).

From a young age, Julia was raised in a luxurious environment with noble manners, always wearing fragrant and shimmering jewelry, and surrounded by family members and servants.

Growing up, she became a beautiful young woman with golden hair that shone like the sun, ocean-blue eyes, and lips as red as the roses in Athens.

At the age of 10, Julia’s father suddenly passed away, and she was taken care of by her mother and maternal grandmother. At the age of 13, Julia was married off to a nobleman by the emperor. Later, the two had a son named Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus, who was also known as Nero.

It can be said that Julia’s childhood and youth passed peacefully until she realized that power was absolute in this world and only power could secure a wealthy life for her forever. Therefore, these thoughts turned her into the most ruthless and vicious mother in Rome.

The most ruthless stepmother of Rome is called Julia Agrippina.

Since the emperor’s death, Julia’s brother, Caligula, ascended to the throne. He loved and pampered his younger sister so much that he even had their portraits on new coins. The people hailed them together as “long live the emperor and his sister”…

However, after some time, Caligula became obsessed with power and neglected Julia. She conspired with her brother-in-law to assassinate Caligula, but the plan was discovered. Julia was stripped of her power and exiled to a remote island.

A year later, Caligula and his family were assassinated, and Julia’s distant cousin, Claudius, ascended to the throne. Julia returned to Rome and became a widow.

To avoid living in cold solitude, Julia tried to seduce a nobleman named Galba but failed, even enduring humiliation when his mother insulted and slapped her in front of many other noblewomen.

Later, the emperor arranged for Domitia’s husband (the man who had raised her son) to divorce and marry her. The historical records do not mention whether this couple had a passionate love or not, but it is known that soon after the marriage, in 47 AD, her wealthy husband died suddenly. It is believed that Julia used poison to kill him, and she became the owner of a vast territory and enormous wealth.

Julia gradually became the Empress of Rome. Illustration.

After living as a widow for 2 years in a lavish mansion, Julia’s desire for power was still unfulfilled. At that time, the Empress of the reigning Emperor, who was Julia’s distant relative, was executed for treason.

Seizing the opportunity, with her still breathtaking beauty, Julia found her way to become the highest-ranking woman in Rome by marrying her own cousin, Claudius.

Julia became the new Empress of Rome, under one of the most powerful men in the world. The Emperor indulged her, giving her anything she wanted: power, wealth, precious jewels… Julia even had privileges that previous Roman Empresses never had.

Julia was successful in getting her son Nero crowned as Emperor. At that time, many members of the royal family opposed this because they knew of her ambition. But they all met their ends by Julia’s hands, as she ordered their deaths by poisoning them with an ancient mushroom.

When the Emperor realized her wrongdoing, he sought to restore his son to his rightful place. Unfortunately, Julia knew about it and poisoned her husband with a highly toxic mushroom during a banquet, causing his death.

Julia Agrippina’s ambition for power and control never ceased, even after her son Nero became the emperor of Rome at the age of 17. She became the Empress Dowager of Rome at the age of 39, but still wanted to manipulate everything in Rome to be under her control.

However, Nero, who had witnessed his mother’s actions over the years, knew her true nature and limited her power. Julia tried to have Nero assassinated to make way for her son-in-law to ascend to the throne, but Nero foiled her plans. In retaliation, Julia tried to poison Nero but failed, and he had her killed instead.

Julia Agrippina, the beautiful yet ruthless woman, met her demise at the age of 44, at the hands of her own son.

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