Archaeological Mystery

The Top 8 Most Valuable Treasures in the World Are Still Missing

Amazing treasures from different cultures around the world have been stolen or mysteriously lost in wars.

The largest treasures in the world to this day still remain missing without a trace

Live Science has researched about 30 lost treasures around the world, which may never be found. Some of these treasures are at risk of being destroyed.

Amber Room

Many archaeologists are still searching for the “Amber Room” built in the 18th century at the Catherine Palace in Tsarskoe Selo, near St. Petersburg (Russia).

The room contained inlaid panels, mirrors, and gilded carvings, along with wall panels made from around 450kg of amber.

Tsarskoe Selo was occupied by Germany in 1941 during World War II. The Amber Room was dismantled and taken to Germany and has not been seen since.

Ark Of The Covenant

For centuries, many people have attempted to locate and recover sacred artifacts from the Bible. Among these, the most sought-after religious relic is perhaps the famous Ark of the Covenant.

According to records, the Ark of the Covenant symbolizes the presence of God on Earth, making it a significant spiritual icon for the people of Israel. Its presence served as a source of motivation and strength for the Israelites during their conquest of new lands. This is why they carried it with them throughout their wandering in the desert. Whenever they set up camp in a new area, the Ark was placed in a separate room within a sacred tent called the Tabernacle, as instructed by God.

Also according to the Bible, due to its sacred nature, it is strictly forbidden to look inside or touch the Ark of the Covenant. For example, in the Bible, when Nadav and Avihu (Aaron’s sons) brought a foreign object to the altar, they were consumed by a “fire from God.” Similarly, during the time when the Philistines possessed the Ark of the Covenant, many people were killed by supernatural forces, including those who simply looked at the Ark. Likewise, priests who served in the Tabernacle could die “instantly” if they looked at the Ark at an inappropriate time.

That’s correct! The final resting place of the Ark of the Covenant remains a mystery, with different theories and speculations in Rabbinic literature. Some suggest that the Ark was taken to Babylon, while others believe it was secretly hidden somewhere. The last mention of the Ark in the Bible is during the reign of King Josiah, and it is not mentioned again afterwards. Its current whereabouts, if it still exists, is unknown.

Until now, there has been no concrete evidence found regarding the disappearance of the Ark. Therefore, the stories surrounding it have become even more mysterious and intriguing. The Ark has also become a subject or appeared in the famous Steven Spielberg movie “Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark”.

The Japanese Sword Honjo Masamune

Honjo Masamune was a sword forged by Gorō Nyūdō Masamune. He lived from 1264 to 1343 and was the greatest swordsmith in the history of Japan.

The sword was owned by the first shogun of Japan, Tokugawa Ieyasu.

At the end of World War II, the sword was surrendered to the US government during the American occupation of Japan. However, the sword has never resurfaced since then.

Easter Egg

From 1885 to 1916, Russian jeweler Peter Carl Fabergé created intricately decorated “Easter eggs” for the Russian royal family.

The Russian Revolution of 1917 led to the execution of Nicholas II, the last emperor of Russia, and the eggs were lost.

There is speculation that the Easter eggs were transported from the Soviet Union to the United States during the Cold War.

Ancient Beijing Skull Box

The ancient Beijing man skull box is an important artifact in the history of China. It is a stone box intricately carved with exquisite details and is believed to have been discovered near Beijing in the late 17th century. The box is said to have belonged to an adult male and was buried along with many other artifacts in an area of China’s ancient capital.

The skull box is said to have attracted the attention of archaeologists and historians, particularly because it bears Han characters that state it contains the head of “a Chinese man, originating from the time of the Northern Song dynasty”. Researchers believe that the skull box was created around the 12th to 13th century and may hold significant historical value for the study of ancient Chinese culture and history.

The fossils disappeared in 1941, during the war between Japan and China.

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