The Discovery of an Extremely Rare Ancient Egyptian Mummy

This may be the oldest and most complete ancient Egyptian mummy ever discovered in Egypt. The archaeological team is returning to the Saqqara archaeological site On January 26th,…

Exploring the Mystery of the Strange Blue-skinned and Blue-blooded People

The mystery of blue-skinned people has been a topic of debate among scientists for nearly half a century. The mystery of the blue-skinned people In the early 1820s,…

A “Ghost” Temple Appears in the Middle of the Sea, Intact Altar After 2,000 Years

Beautiful stone slabs from the ancient Nabataean “ghost” temple have been found off the coast of Pozzuoli in the Phlegrean Peninsula of Campania, Italy. The “ghost” temple complex…

10 Scientific Mysteries That Science Has Not Been Able to Explain (P.1)

The human civilization has entrusted science with the task of decoding mysteries. Living up to that expectation, science has decoded most phenomena ranging from simple to supernatural across…