
Home Birth Photos by Trendy Dad Show True Emotion of Labor

Yuval Topper-Erez, a transgender man who recently became a father for the third time, wanted to share some photos of his birth to show that anyone, regardless of gender identity, can experience the miracle of childbirth and help break down barriers for the LGBT+ community. Topper-Erez, who lives in England, had always loved taking pictures of births and decided to document his own fourth pregnancy. Initially, he planned to keep the photos private, but he ultimately decided to share them with the world, and they are already making an impact.

On his Instagram account, the proud father explained his decision to share the photos: “I’ve always loved birthing photoshoots, so I decided to make one for myself. At first, I thought that they were only going to serve as a loving memory for me and perhaps for my son, but when I saw the result, I felt that I needed to share them because they represent very well two causes that I carry in my heart: the normalization of home births and the normalization of trans or non-binary people giving birth.”

Yuval shared that this was his fourth pregnancy, but unfortunately, the previous one ended in a miscarriage, leaving him with mixed emotions. “It was a difficult wait, physically and emotionally,” he revealed. That’s why he initially chose to share his photos and happiness with only those closest to him.

He hopes that his album will inspire those who help with giving birth and future “hippocampus” parents, referring to gestational trans parents. Yuval stressed that he’s not the first to go through this experience, but there aren’t enough men who are willing to share their experiences due to discrimination and taboos.


Topper Erez also shared his experience of publishing his images, despite them being from a past event. He recognized that things are still very difficult for the LGBTQ+ community in some countries. “I know how important it would have been for me to see photographs like these before my first pregnancy,” he said. He emphasized that these photos are his way of saying that they have the right to exist, make decisions, love, and be respected.

His photos quickly went viral, and he received dozens of congratulatory comments from people who were impressed by his courage to speak about trans parenting, a topic that had remained in the shadows for too long. These photos demonstrate that trans parents not only exist, but they also have the right to celebrate their families publicly.

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