
A mother’s identical twins are black and white

Last year, twin boys named Daniel and David were born in Nigeria, and they are exceptionally unique. Although every child is special in their own way, these twins are particularly remarkable. They quickly gained a large following on Instagram due to their extraordinary differences. While David is albino, Daniel has a dark complexion and dark hair, making the contrast between the twins quite striking.

Despite being born just minutes apart, Daniel and David do not share many physical similarities, except for their large brown eyes. David was born albino, which is quite rare given that both of their parents, Stacy and Babajide, are black and live in Lagos. As a result of their unique appearance, the twins draw attention whenever they are in public. David has stunning white skin and golden hair, while Daniel’s hair is wavy and black like his older sister, Demilade, who is five years old.

Since Stacy shared their story on Instagram, the twins have gained nearly 18,000 followers in less than a year. The twins were born on February 26th of last year, and their birth was an incredible surprise. Daniel came out first with black hair, followed by David with golden hair. The parents had no idea about their differences during pregnancy, and their birth was a truly shocking experience.

Upon meeting his boys, their father was so overwhelmed that he gave David the nickname “Golden,” and he now calls him Mr. Golden. He was amazed by his sons and spent over ten minutes admiring them, calling them God’s greatest gift. David was born with albinism, a genetic disorder that affects one in every 20,000 people worldwide. Albinism is caused by a lack of melanin pigment, which gives color to skin, hair, and eyes. The severity of albinism can vary depending on the type, and it can affect people of all ethnic and racial backgrounds. It can cause skin and vision problems, so people with albinism must be careful.

David’s type of albinism is ocular cutaneous, which gives him beautiful golden hair and a light complexion. Fortunately, Stacy reported that David does not have any health problems.

Nigeria has one of the highest rates of albinism in the world, with an estimated two million or more albinos living there. Unfortunately, albinos in Nigeria often face severe prejudice due to their skin tone. Over 600,000 albino Nigerians experience prejudice and bullying from their families, classmates, and peers, which often leads to poverty and limited access to education. However, Stacy noted that she has never heard any negative comments, and both of her sons are equally loved and cherished.

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