UFO Mystery

Alien Technology in the Hands of the Army! Testor Model Kits for Roswell Ufo, and U.S Top Secret Aircrafts

Tom Keller, a former NASA employee and computer systems analyst at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, has revealed that advanced technologies capable of interstellar travel exist, but they are kept classified in top secret government projects. Keller went on to suggest that it would take a major event or intervention to make these technologies available to the general public and benefit humanity.

Regardless of what you are currently witnessing, rest assured that we possess the knowledge and ability to bring things to fruition.

“We finally have the tech to shoot ET home. It will not require somebody’s life. There’s a mistake in the equations. We realize exactly what it’s. We have the ability.
To begin with, it is essential to understand that we cannot achieve interstellar travel using conventional chemical propulsion methods. Therefore, we must explore and develop a new form of propulsion technology. Our current objective is to identify the limitations of Einstein’s theories and find ways to overcome them in order to unlock the secrets of interstellar travel.

After Rich was asked just how exactly UFO propulsion functioned, he explained, “I would like to inquire. The questioner responded, “All things in space and time are attached?” Rich then said, “That is how it works”

Lockheed”Skunk Works” former manager knew that the Roswell aliens UFO impacted designs of Testor model kits to Roswell UFO models, also U.S. top aircraft.


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