The Top 8 Most Valuable Treasures in the World Are Still Missing

Amazing treasures from different cultures around the world have been stolen or mysteriously lost in wars. The largest treasures in the world to this day still remain missing…

The Mystery of Natron’s “Death Lake” Turns Creatures Into “Living Statues”

Lake Natron is one of the saltwater lakes with the highest acidity level on Earth, located in northern Tanzania. The lake covers an area of about 1,040 kmĀ²…

The Giza Pyramids and 4 Unsolved Mysteries of Humanity

The Giza Pyramid is one of the marvelous cultural heritages of ancient times, built around 4,500 years ago in ancient Egypt. However, there are still some mysteries surrounding…

The Mystery of the World’s Biggest Eater Among Ordinary People

A person who is always hungry and can eat to the point of devouring grass, candles… even live cats. He has become the subject of many scientific experiments,…

The mystery of the final resting place of Alexander the Great

At the age of 32, Alexander the Great conquered a vast area of land stretching from the Balkans to present-day Pakistan, becoming the leader of one of the…

A 2.8 Billion-year-old Sphere and Doubts About a Suppressed Human History Theory

The spherical stones of 2.8 billion years old and suspicion about the suppressed history of human civilization. Mysterious billion-year-old spheres in South African mines At a mining site…

10 Scientific Mysteries That Science Has Not Been Able to Explain (P.3)

The human civilization has entrusted science with the task of decoding mysteries. Living up to that expectation, science has decoded most phenomena ranging from simple to supernatural across…

10 Scientific Mysteries That Science Has Not Been Able to Explain (P.2)

The human civilization has entrusted science with the task of decoding mysteries. Living up to that expectation, science has decoded most phenomena ranging from simple to supernatural across…

10 Scientific Mysteries That Science Has Not Been Able to Explain (P.1)

The human civilization has entrusted science with the task of decoding mysteries. Living up to that expectation, science has decoded most phenomena ranging from simple to supernatural across…

10 Terrifying Mysteries in Human History That Still Have No Solution to This Day (P.3)

Despite entering the 21st century and humanity venturing out into space, there are still countless mysteries on Earth that scientists have yet to provide satisfactory explanations for. Strange…